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Lower-Level Operations

When you hit the limit of what’s possible with Django’s ORM, you can always go down one abstraction layer to PyMongo.

You can use raw queries and updates to update or query for model instances using raw Mongo queries, bypassing Django’s model query APIs.

If that isn’t enough, you can skip the model layer entirely and operate on PyMongo-level objects.


These APIs are available for MongoDB only, so using any of these features breaks portability to other non-relational databases (Google App Engine, Cassandra, Redis, ...). For the sake of portability you should try to avoid database-specific features whenever possible.

Raw Queries and Updates

MongoDBManager provides two methods, raw_query() and raw_update(), that let you perform raw Mongo queries.


When writing raw queries, please keep in mind that no field name substitution will be done, meaning that you’ll always have to use database-level names – e.g. _id instead of id or foo_id instead of foo for foreignkeys.

Raw Queries

raw_query() takes one argument, the Mongo query to execute, and returns a standard Django queryset – which means that it also supports indexing and further manipulation.

As an example, let’s do some Geo querying.

from djangotoolbox.fields import EmbeddedModelField
from django_mongodb_engine.contrib import MongoDBManager

class Point(models.Model):
    latitude = models.FloatField()
    longtitude = models.FloatField()

class Place(models.Model):
    location = EmbeddedModelField(Point)

    objects = MongoDBManager()

To find all places near to your current location, 42°N | π°E, you can use this raw query:

>>> here = {'latitude' : 42, 'longtitude' : 3.14}
>>> Place.objects.raw_query({'location' : {'$near' : here}})

As stated above, raw_query() returns a standard Django queryset, for which reason you can have even more fun with raw queries:

Limit the number of results to 10
>>> Foo.objects.raw_query({'location' : ...})[:10]

Keep track of most interesting places
>>> Foo.objects.raw_query({'location' : ...) \
...            .update(interest=F('interest')+1)

and whatnot.

Raw Updates

raw_update() comes into play when Django MongoDB Engine’s atomic updates through $set and $inc (using F) are not powerful enough.

The first argument is the query which describes the subset of documents the update should be executed against - as Q object or Mongo query. The second argument is the update spec.

Consider this model:

from django_mongodb_engine.contrib import MongoDBManager

class FancyNumbers(models.Model):
    foo = models.IntegerField()

    objects = MongoDBManager()

Let’s do some of those super-cool MongoDB in-place bitwise operations.

FancyNumbers.objects.raw_update({}, {'$bit' : {'foo' : {'or' : 42}}})

That bitwise-ORs every foo of all documents in the database with 42.

To run that update against a subset of the documents, for example against any whose foo is greater than π, use a non-empty filter condition:

FancyNumbers.objects.raw_update(Q(foo__gt=3.14), {'$bit' : ...})
# or
FancyNumbers.objects.raw_update({'foo' : {'$gt' : 3.14}}, {'$bit' : ...})


django.db.connections is a dictionary-like object that holds all database connections – that is, for MongoDB databases, django_mongodb_engine.base.DatabaseWrapper instances.

These instances can be used to get the PyMongo-level Connection, Database and Collection objects.

For example, to execute a find_and_modify() command, you could use code similar to this:

from django.db import connections
database_wrapper = connections['my_db_alias']
eggs_collection = database_wrapper.get_collection('eggs')